Karratha, WA
I know you’re busting your butt, and I know it’s because…
> You want to wrap as many mamas as possible in your loving support
> You want to create a long-lasting impact on the lives of people you serve
> You want a business that nourishes you financially, while you nourish others
> You want to be known as the go-to doula, which also means a consistent flow of money & clients
In order to uplevel your birthworker biz game, you need a personalised strategy utilising your gifts & unique energy so that you can flourish in your zone of genius: serving clients, whilst your business ticks along with the streamlined, efficient processes you implemented.
When your business holds you, your capacity to hold others remains uncapped.
The thing is, whilst the passionate flame to deeply serve women navigating pregnancy, birth and postpartum burns so red-hot, you just don’t know how to get your ducks in a row and ground into your gifts to make the receival of your services a consistent reality.
And be paid for it!
And that makes you worry you might not have what it takes to be in this work for the long haul, fearing birth worker burn out that many succumb to, and all the money and energy you invested ends up being for nothing.
But, let me tell you something: tapping out is not an option, because you and the important, nourishing and supportive work you have to give is so NEEDED!
You CAN grow your business, and unleash the badass biz-woman within, by tapping into your power and utilising your strengths, coupled with some strategy.
And that’s what I’m here for!
I believe you don’t need to sacrifice your own needs, or do what everyone else is doing but instead remain tapped into your own power so that you can expand into your full potential.
When you serve, and do business from a place that’s truly plugged into your soul’s vision, harnessing your strengths, you’re positioned as a trustworthy, impactful guide for clients who NEED your support.
AND you’re sustained by a streamlined, efficient business as you show up and guide.
Utilising these strengths, and embedding them into personalised strategy (while still keeping that soul-sizzling unique flare of yours), you build the essential foundations for consistently magnetising dream clients, and welcoming a reliable flow of money.
PS. This is where the game changes and growth begins! When you no longer try do things the way everyone else does, but instead harness what you've already got!
I totally understand how it feels to easefully hold your mamas for days, but feel like you’re freefalling within your own business!
Guiding, validating and holding mamas? It comes naturally.
Doing all the backend biz-bits that are the essential lifeforce of your birthworker entity.*slams laptop shut*.
It wasn’t long into my doula journey that I was juggling multiple births, prenatal visits and postpartum mamas every month when I realised ‘hoping for the best’ was a one way ticket to birth-worker burn out.
After quickly implementing aligned, streamlined processes that truly honoured my strengths, needs and desires, I was back at the helm of a sustainable biz as a highly sought after doula, while deeply impacting my clients with lifechanging support, all while enjoying my growing family.
But what do I actually mean by ‘honouring my strengths’?
> Getting crystal clear on how my energy (in terms of will, drive and motivation) specifically cycles, and aligning a work schedule to that (SPOILER: I worked less and created, sold and earnt more!)
> Anchoring into my Vision for Biz, and devising actionable steps in support of that
By doing all *that*, I created my own framework for uncovering strengths, and how to apply them, so that I could consistently create, sell and delivery my services.
Within my first year of taking on clients, I was being engaged for 2-4 packages a month that ranged from $1800-$4200, whilst also selling out supportive programs and products. I became a well known go-to doula, not only in Perth, but nationwide, broadening my community and service across Australia.
What helped me most achieve this was my commitment to my vision and how I wanted to FEEL within my business, harnessing my unique gifts and doing things MY way which lead to the creation of a streamlined business beneath me, and positioned me as a trustworthy guide desired to join the journey of others.
All aboard! Together, we’re embarking on a 3 month mentorship journey, where my guidance is highly personalised to you, and your needs, with a supported focus on the following areas…
First things first, let’s get clear on your Vision for Biz, which acts as your guiding light for any choice or action you need to take so that you make more intentional and profitable decisions and have a business that feels more easeful and spacious for you to run and be visible in.
A commitment to honouring this ensures you build a business that is true to you and in turn, effortlessly showcases your unique energy and increases your visibility as a stand out doula.
After that, I’ll walk you through a live Human Design reading, where I reflect your gifts, strengths and explain how your energy is designed to most optimally interact with the world. THIS SHIT IS THE KEY to clearing resistance and getting yourself on a path of more ease.
Once this is understood, we start making moves to implement the use of these strengths so that you can say goodbye to trying push shiz uphill, and instead welcome a flow that will endlessly support you.
Then, we’ll audit your business by way of exploring the details of your current offerings, and ensuring you’re left with packages that truly reflect how you want your soul work to exist in the world. This ensures that you actually have the space to be visible in your business because you’re working smarter not harder and making sure that every inch of you is lit up by what you do and providing a clear pathway for other people to experience it.
Using the gold from these steps, we’ll create a personalised and individualised plan of what strategies and streamlined processes will suit your business, specifically in the areas of offers, client attraction and management, onboarding and day-today- business operations.
By this stage, you’ve realised it’s not about doing what everyone else is doing, but actually creating strategies & processes in complete synchronicity with your own gifts and strengths so you can fully expand into the doula you’re destined to be.
Each month for three months, we get to catch up TWICE with two private sessions.
Our first month is about yanking the curtain back and uncovering the gifts at your disposal, and how you wanna see them used!
We start with a Mastery Call, delivering clarity, direction and inspiration for the business you’re building.
Followed by a LIVE Human Design Reading, so you are well acquainted with the power, strengths and gifts at your disposal, and exactly how to bring them to the forefront and utilise within your new personalised biz strategies & processes.
Using my unique framework – AWARENESS, INTEGRATION, EMBODIMENT – I’ll guide you to make immediate changes, create new habits, face sticky conditioning and lock on to new, supportive ways of doing things so that you anchor into ease, joy, and the path of least resistance NOW and well into the future!
After that, we continue with our two calls a month, but you get to choose which ones you need to ensure the most potent support.
(90 mins video Call)
During these intensive sessions, we dive deep into the key pillars of your business success.
From money management, getting your admin ducks in a row, developing offerings, nutting out supportive & streamlined process and business strategies to mindset shifts and discovering your zone of genius, we leave no stone unturned.
Let’s work our way into every corner of your biz calling for your attention, breathing new life and depositing fresh energy!
Together, we’ll forge a powerful path forward and elevate your business to new heights.
(90 mins video call)
It’s time for hands-on implementation!
In these interactive sessions, we roll up our sleeves and get to work.
We can tackle the nitty-gritty details of launching your offerings, creating package guides, refining your terms and conditions, designing eye-catching graphics, and even crafting a compelling sales page.
Bring 1-2 specific areas you want to work on each session, and we’ll collaborate, share examples, screenshare, and Google Doc our way to brilliance.
Together, we’ll make every aspect of your business lit AF.
Between our calls, you’ll have exclusive Mon-Wed access to me via WhatsApp. Need a quick question answered or seeking guidance during on-the-job moments? Or maybe ol mate Imposter Syndrome is showing up, and you need a loving pep talk to move through this? PS. PEP TALKS ARE MY SPECIALTY! Consider me your virtual support system, always in your back pocket, ready to give direction, initiate breakthroughs, and connect you to clarity whilst utilising your own gifts.
After your live reading in the first month, I’ll continue to tap into the power of Human Design to connect you with your unique energetic correctness so that you can continue to make powerful changes not only in biz, but life too, well into the future.
I’ll show you exactly how to harness your innate strengths and then align your business strategies with your authentic self.
I love sharing my own real life examples & templates to help clarify my practical guidance. I’m an open book, and more than willing to share the exact documents, processes and copy I use within my business in order to deepen your understanding.
If I see a need for it, I’ll flick it over! Whether it’s my Contract of Engagement, Client Intake Form, Onboarding Emails and the tech/apps I use.
My goal is to empower you with practical insights so that you can confidently navigate your journey to success
Consider me your unwavering support, holding you up while you hold others.
With an innate ability to understand the unsaid and see the whole picture, (I mean #ProjectorLife) I will reflect back to you in a clear, loving way, connecting you to your strengths, desires, and power.
Together, we’ll cast a visionary path for your business, outlining the necessary steps to turn your dreams into reality.
Listen, not to toot my own horn, but also *TOOOOOT TOOOOT*… I am the bomb-diggidy when it comes to course correction and efficiency-seeking, with a knack for identifying patterns and procedures that will optimize your workflow.
I can dance the dance of understanding your uniqeness, and merging that with practical guidance, without making it look like the same damn thang every one else is doing.
With me as your mentor, I’m giving you full permission to make your own rules and cheering you on as you watch it play out in full service to your dreams!
Whilst also bringing that practical, nitty-gritty guidance to allow you to build a thriving and sustainable biz.
So, you ready to unleash the badass biz woman within?
“Jessie’s mentorship really helped me to uplevel my biz, get crystal clear on my why & what/how I want to show up in the doula space for my families whom I support & also how to make that work with my young family who I have at home.
I feel so lucky to have had Jessie support me throughout the entire process. She is a wealth of knowledge & has become such a great friend of mine. I’m grateful to have had her in my corner & for her to have held space for me when I felt extremely doubtful, vulnerable and nervous to put some really big & scary (but very necessary) things into action.
I can confidently say that this has been a huge turning point in my biz. Everything I wanted from this experience came to life. It really has changed the trajectory of my biz for the better & I would never have been able to do that without Jessie’s help, love & support.
I’ll forever look back at this experience & consider it a pivotal time in my doula journey. Thank you so much Jessie, you’re the best biz doula out there!”
“Working with Jessie has given me so much confidence and insight into building my business. I’m still in the beginning phase and now I feel like I have the tools and know-how of how to build solid foundations that will support me long-term. Some of the processes I would never have known or thought of and they make so much sense, and I am loving implementing everything that I have learnt.”
“You offer SO MUCH value. I’ve finish up knowing exactly what programmes I need, templates to use and have SO many beautiful ideas to help build your own business. There’s no hours of googling what I need or wondering what to do next, because you’ve so graciously offered all of your knowledge over to us.”
Listen up, I want this to feel accessible so I’ve created a Flexible Payment Plan: Pay a $300 deposit followed by 4 monthly payments of $320.
Or you can go straight in with the upfront investment.
When I finished my doula training, I felt raring to go and clear on HOW I was going to serve.
But my doula training lacked education on how to make the business side of things, a reality.
And, you can’t serve people without a business to do it from.
(I mean, where do the offers sit, how do I get paid, where am I serving from?)
Designing a supportive, aligned and thriving doula business was my vision, but I had to figure the details out on my own.
This meant a lot of trial and error.
A lot of financial risks and losses.
But when I was losing money, attracting clients who didn’t connect with my value, and getting really burnt out, I soon realised it wasn’t about doing things the same way as other doulas.
My mistake? I was trying to apply their strategies to my energy & vision…which did not go together!
I don’t want that for you!
After working with many doulas building their business, I discovered success became easier when their own vision and strengths were utilised and woven into personalised strategies.
I was noticing so many doulas either on the path to burn out, or already quit, hadn’t created a solid foundation beneath them representative of their own energy & gifts.
They didn’t have clear social media messaging or connection pathways for potential clients to actively view packages and enquire.
They didn’t have a work schedule that effectively engaged their energy, allowing them to work less but with more results!
Many of them hadn’t implemented streamlined processes for these people to reach out and enquire without the doula having to lift a finger! And when they did have clients, the lack of these automated processes meant they were chewing up their own time by needing to individually keep track of and action every step of the process for things to move forward. There is many ways for this to all happen while you’re hanging out with your family, or even sleeping!
Burn out is on the horizon when we’re just freefalling within our biz, and hope for the best without solid, supportive foundations! But the thing that allows doulas to thrive and create impact, while being well-paid and nourished…is personalised, reliable strategies & processes, created with their strengths in mind.
This means they can focus on doing an amazing job, and continue the cycle of calling more clients in so that they build a reputation as a go-to, reliable, impactful doula!
I’m a seasoned birth worker, honored to support over 45 births and counting, since 2019, which included VBAC’s, twins, homebirths, freebirths, inductions and csections.
Plus countless women more, who engaged my services for postpartum and virtual support! The fact that I’ve been part of helping women plant such a positive impact in their experience, that will ripple out through a lifetime, blows my mind every day!
I’ve held a number of in-person events (in a past-work-life I was an event coordinator and my heart sings every time I dive back in) serving both doulas and women walking down the pregnancy, birth and postpartum path, as well as guest speaking at other badass biz women’s events and podcasts.
I’ve built signature online programs, shepherding other soul workers through building their own business, seeing over 100 women pass through!
You may or may not know this, but I have a Bachelor Degree in Broadcasting, and I used to work for one of the biggest hit radio stations in Australia. Yes, my work now resembles NOTHING like that, but the marketing, communication, event management, media management and process management (it was literally part of my job to write Terms & Conditions for every single event and competition we ran!) skills I developed, continue to support me to this day.
And I’ve effortlessly infused them into my business. Do you see what I did there? I took what I naturally already had and used it, to suit me!
I’m seriously LIT THE FUDGE UP about holding other birth workers in their biz, because it means they get to show up to their full potential, and birthing families continue to access the support they deserve!
So, it’s a no brainer that a major dimension of my business is serving you, my darling doula!
Because, I came out of my doula training with a wealth of knowledge around birth and how to hold space for these families, but with very little support on actually building the business of my dreams.
So, I got to work and figured shit out. It took A LOT of time. A LOT of mistakes. A LOT of frustrated tears. But I kept at it, and kept correcting my course. Finally, I found the sweet spot.
I was walking with my clients, able to fully show up, whilst also being held by an incredibly solid and sturdy business.
> I plugged the leaks.
> Implemented efficient and streamlined workflows.
> Discovered my unique marketing & messaging.
> Connected and gained the trust of my community.
> Magnetised clients with ease.
> Managed my money with an abundant mindset & strategies.
Which all supported me to flow and dance with the delicate energetics of this work.
And so I naturally began guiding other doulas to find this for themselves, because I could save them from all the fumbling and stumbling I went through… so why wouldn’t I?!
Listen, birthing families deserve the support us birth workers give. BUT, the birth worker needs to be held, healthy and sustained through her biz in order to continue in this work. It’s the circle of birth work!
I don’t wanna see you burnt the fuck out, and I don’t wanna see them left without support.
So, allow me to doula you, as you doula them! And let’s build this business of yours together.
If you’re getting the tingly-pull, but aren’t sure it’s a total EFF-YES, then I invite you to book a Connection Call with me below.
This 30 min call is for you to explore what it may look & feel like to have me as your mentor. I usually offer any on-the-spot guidance that I can see would be supportive in these calls too.
It doesn’t commit you to anything, and gives you a chance to try the energy on for size.
If you can tick off at least two of the things on the list below, then you belong here!
If you have ANY questions about Doula Business Activation: Private Mentorship, know I’m here for you and you can email jessie@thebrightbirthco.com.au for a chat.
Disclaimer: Results may vary. This program provides guidance and support but does not guarantee specific financial outcomes. Your success depends on your dedication, implementation of strategies, and individual circumstances.
© Jessie McGarry – The Birth Bright Co 2021
Design & Development by JuJu Creative Hub
I am grateful to work on the land of the Ngarluma people, who I recognise as the Traditional Custodians of this land. I also recognise and pay my respects to all Traditional Custodians throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community, where I may continue to serve others.